Founded in 1967, CABBS brings together people who share a passion for building, sailing, paddling, and motoring in boats. Visitors are always welcome at CABBS activities.
by Ed Neal · Published May 3, 2018
· Last modified May 7, 2018
Upcoming Events
Fall Meeting
Date: November 10, 2024
Time: 1:30 pm - 4:30 pm
3535 Perkins Ave.
Cleveland, OH 44114
Join as we begin the indoor meeting season. GUEST SPEAKER: TERRY HARMON, BIRCH BARK CANOE BUILDER
Terry will bring one of his bark canoes and talk about the native American techniques he used to source materials and construct the boat. Guests are always welcome at CABBS meetings.
Join us for our holiday cheer meeting. GUEST SPEAKER: DREW FERGUSON, CEO – ARGONAUT. The Cleveland lakefront is alive with new activity. From the future of Burke Airport to the new $15 million community sailing center at E55th to coastal rowing there is change afoot. Drew will present an insider’s perspective on current lakefront developments and bring us up-to-date on activities at the Davis Aerospace & Maritime High School. Guests are always welcome at CABBS meetings.
The CABBS Six-Hour Canoe boatbuilding class will start March 3, 2018. Over five consecutive Saturdays, you will build a boat. Interested? Follow along here.
Looking for a great boatbuilding activity for you or a young person? Take a look below at our plans for building the CABBS Optimist dinghy and CABBS Mini-skiff!