Library Dedication Honors Member

February 11  marked the dedication of the CABBS Library in memory of Jim Batteiger.  For more than twenty years Jim kept the CABBS library of over 600 books intact in the basement of his house.  He built shelving to hold the collection until a more permanent location for the collection could be found.

A year ago, the books finally found a home at our workspace.  Jim moved the books, 100 boat plans, and 15 boxes of periodicals onto shelves and storage units that made the collection readily available.

Sadly “Brother Jim” passed-away last October and it is fitting that we remember  the diligence, perseverance, and delight he put into maintaining the library by naming it in his honor.

Jim would be happy to see the library index produced by Dave Weglicki that tracks each book by title, author and subject.   The boat plans are also indexed.   A pdf of the index is available for CABBS members.

Members can borrow books for a four week loan period through a  simple self check-out procedure at the library.

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