CABBS Journal Activity Reports

Two Classes Underway

Our Intro to Fiberglass Repair Class opened Thursday evening March 31 with Steve Nimrod of Good Engineering Marine Services as instructor. Our Stitch-n-Glue Construction Class opened on Saturday, April 2 with CABBS Executive Director,...

Class Registration Now Open

Registration is now open for two new classes that start soon.   If you have fiberglass issues, the Intro to Fiberglass Repair class will give you basic skills to complete a repair and insight...

Update on Three Boats

Back in the fall, Jim White had a CABBS crew help flip LAURENTIA so the aluminum centerboard could be inserted in the case.   A bushing device he designed forms the pivot.  Since then much...

MOTY Award Winners

2021 MEMBER OF THE YEAR awards go to the team of Tom Baugher, Lou Brodnik and Al King for their renovation work on SURF, a Blackwatch 30 twin diesel powerboat owned by PHASTAR, a...

A Recent Turnover

A twenty foot boat seems even bigger at turnover time.  Dave Spondike rustled up a crew of CABBS members and some of his ham radio club friends to help get the hull of his...

We’ve been busy. Count the ways.

We’re just starting to get back to normal. Covid stopped our in-person social gatherings,  but we kept up monthly meetings via Zoom.   Many members got projects underway at our workspace or in their...

A Launch in Record Time

Brothers Tom and David Wagner launched their 19ft tandem Annapolis Wherry on a sunny October 22nd afternoon and may have set a CABBS speed record for a boatbuilding project. Started in mid-July, they assembled...

Construction Updates on Four Boats

As the assembled crew lifted  Jim White’s LAURENTIA cutter hull off the strongback and carefully turned it over, the sun came out and dramatized the glow of the interior.   The early August event got...


It’s over.  At least the construction phase is over.  Each team finished their Six-Hour Canoe on time and decided who should get the boat.  The new owners  will now take over.  They’ll have to...


The 2020 BOATBUILDING BASICS WORKSHOP started February 8th and will run for five Saturdays.    Twelve participants working in teams of four are learning by doing as each team builds a Six-Hour canoe.  The...